Solo Show ‘Go Where You Feel Good’ Circle Comtemporary

Solo Show ‘Go Where You Feel Good’ Circle Comtemporary

For her latest show, 'GO WHERE YOU FEEL GOOD'  Emma Digerud-White presents a compelling series of paintings that delve into the profound need to seek out spaces and experiences that evoke joy, love, and a sense of safety. In a world fraught with indescribable horrors. 

Emma's artworks serve as beacons of hope and solace, encouraging viewers to embrace environments and activities that uplift their spirits and nurture their well-being. Through her expressive brushwork and vibrant colours, Emma invites audiences to explore the transformative power of choosing paths that resonate with their innermost desires and emotions, offering a poignant reminder of the importance of finding joy amidst life's challenges. 

Emma Digerud-White, a visual artist based in Cornwall, UK, channels her perceptions, emotions, and sensory experiences through the medium of paint. Her artworks are vibrant tapestries where emotions and energies take shape as dynamic movements and vivid colours, offering profound insights into the human experience. Central to her compositions is the human figure, its inner essence spilling into the surrounding space, engaging viewers in a dialogue of introspection and connection. 


Throughout Emma's artistic journey, themes of love, connection, devotion, despair, clarity, confusion, and confrontation resonate deeply. Each painting serves as a mirror reflecting her innermost thoughts and experiences, from tender depictions of familial bonds to provocative explorations of personal identity.



Driven by an insatiable curiosity, Emma's artworks serve as a conduit for her ongoing exploration of self, society, motherhood, and human behavior. Her artistic odyssey is marked by a relentless pursuit of understanding and expression, perpetually uncovering the truths that define her existence and the world around her.