Can you see me? Emma Digerud-White & Penny Chivers Stanley Jupiter Gallery, Newlyn

My upcoming show with Penny Chivers Stanley - Can You See Me? 29th August - 3 September

I am soooooo excited to be presenting a two-person show with the super talented Penny Chivers Stanley at the wonderful Jupiter Gallery, Newlyn (Cornwall, UK). The Private View will be on Bank Holiday Monday, 29th August from 6pm until 10pm with the show running the rest of the week from 10am and closing on Saturday 3rd with a late opening until 10pm. Please join us, we’d absolutely love to see you there!

Penny and myself have strong cross-overs with the themes of our work and will be presenting a collection of our most recent paintings, digital drawings, photography and drawings. Through our works we ask questions about Identity, the Female Gaze, Motherhood and how we see ourselves and others around us.

We will be selling original works and prints (card accepted).

“I love to explore the strength and vulnerability in all of us, and I am coming at that from a female perspective. I am considering what experiences contribute to these feelings and how do we express them - and therefore how do I convey these in my work. I want women to feel strong, empowered and treated fairly so aim to communicate this in my work.” Penny Chivers Stanley

“Can You See Me? Asks important questions about how we see and are seen. Why do we so often limit our ‘seeing’ to what lies so precariously on the surface? When we live on the surface we hide our true-selves not only from others, but from ourselves too. There is very little peace here. Through these works we ask questions about ourselves and wider society. We invite you to delve into the depths of our ‘seeing’ and yours too.” Emma Digerud-White

‘Can You See Me?’ runs from 29 Aug - 3 September at Jupiter Gallery, Newlyn. 

Please email for any further information.