Kate Reeve-Edwards’ words on visual Artist Emma Digerud-White

Kate Reeve-Edwards’ words on visual Artist Emma Digerud-White

Recently I was lucky enough to spend some time with Kate Reeve-Edwards sharing my work and discussing my practice. I find it much easier to talk about my practice than to write it down in a succinct and meaningful way. Luckily Kate is brilliant at pulling out the best bits and coaxing out of me what I’m all about. It was a joy to sit down with her and just talk, she’s super informed on all things creative and has written some fantastic books. Check out her stuff here

Here is what she had to say about me…


“Emma Digerud-White is concerned with the human. She paints how she sees, her neurodivergence picking up things others might miss. For Digerud-White, energies and emotions transcend the boundaries of the body, spilling out and emitting frequencies. The spaces in between words and actions are what interests her: ‘the darting of someone’s eyes says more than their words. Moments which are brushed aside reveal so much about a person.’ The gestures in her bold portraits are symbolic, telling a story of defiance, silence, curiosity. Digerud-White craves colour, bright bold hues producing joy and energy. These colours revealing themselves to her, without her consciously choosing them.”

Kate Reeve-Edwards
Instagram: @culturalcapitalarts